Are you a current University of North Texas student looking for a roommate? If so, we would recommend leasing atr any of the estimated 20 Off-Campus Student Living Communities in Denton that provide roommate matching services for their prospective residents. These roommate matching services will save you a ton of time and worry. Let’s face it,.. finding a roommate is a tall order. But, not all off-campus housing communities provide roommate matching services and that’s what our UNT Roommate Matching portal is all about. Just sign up and create an account with your current student EUID number,… then fill out the appropriate information form and you are on your way to finding a roommate with like-minded interest and who is a current student.
Your safety and privacy is our goal. Our Roommate Matching portal is simple, student friendly and it’s exclusive and a protected portal just for UNT students. No one will see your Roommate Matching information unless they have created an account and are current students attending The University of North Texas… This roommate search form is time sensitive and will automatically delete after 90 days. Our goal is to keep our list current and valuable for the UNT student living off campus in need of a roommate.
So, sign up and let’s find you a roommate!