Welcome to your Student account, John!
Looking for a student roommate? Create a roommate profle and fnd a like-minded and compatable UNT students looking to save on the budgetary costs of living of-campus and is interested in a roommate.
Looking for a student to occupy your space for a limited time period or fnd a student to take over your leasing contract ? Create a sublet/relet account and post your space to fnd a student interested in assuming your space temporarily (sublet) or take over assume you leasing contract all together (relet).
Looking for of-campus housing in Denton? Looking to Sublet or Relet space from another student? Your account allows you the ability to organizeyour search results and refer to your searches in the future. Just Log-in from the homepage and take ad- vantage of search for of campus housing while we help you fnd your favorites, viewing history as well as save search results from past viewing of our site, offcampushousing.unt.ed
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